@article{10.18756/jfg.2006.202, title = {{Mineralische Lumineszenz als Umkreis-Wirkung}}, shorttitle = {{Mineralische Lumineszenz als Umkreis-Wirkung}}, author = {GEHLIG, ROSELIES}, journal = {Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus}, year = {2006}, volume = {2006}, pages = {202--265}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/jfg.2006.202}, doi = {10.18756/jfg.2006.202}, issn = {Print :1866-4830 Online : 2750-2341 }, language = {de}, abstract = {}, annote = {Mineral luminescence as an expression of environment forcesBy comparing luminescence phenornena of the inorganic and organic world a common motif becomes evident which can be described by the quality of environmentBiolnminescence of animals with its speciesspecific rhythms especially characterizes evolutionarily less developed animals during mating fighting searching for food and when frightened or startled The bioluminescence is intended for perception by other individuals of the species mates prey or predators It is an expression of an as yet less internalised group soul of animals a sort of external soul living more or less in the environment and influencing animal physiology With increasing incarnation towards an inner soul during evolution animal luminescence diminishes and finally disappears in the fish groupBiolwninescence of plants is a continuous glowing but showing circadian or seasonal rhythms It is restricted to algae and fungi whose physiology shows certain animallike properties e g fungi lack of chlorophyll storage of glyeogen and fat chitinbearing cell walls Certain bacteria in the ocean also luminesce according to seasonal changes Integrated into light organs eg squid fish the luminescence of animals is under the control of the typical behaviour of the specific animalsHealthy human issue shows a homogenous faintfluorescence when excited by ultraviolet light In the case of cancer the tumour region hardly fluoresces while the environment of the tumour shows about a tenfold increase of fluorescence compared with healthy tissue Unrestricted tissue growth points to the fact that controlling forces of the soul and ego have left the diseased region and have become environmental Also in iron deficiency anaemia a partial excarnation of soul and ego take place with increased formation of fluorescing erythrocytes decreased iron content and red colour of the bloodLuminescence ofminemls is mostly related to metallic trace elements as activators manganese copper silver chromium rare earths uranium etc in the minerals and is promoted by environmentalforces photoluminescence fluorescence phosphorescence by temperature and ultraviolet light thermoluminescence by warmta chemiluminescence by oxygen of the air triboluminescence caused by rubbing or breaking crystals by nitrogen of the air electroluminescence caused by an electrical field by nitrogen of the air as well sonoluminescence caused by ultrasonic waves by argon of the air lyoluminescence caused by solving substances by water crystalloluminescence caused during crystal growth often by water as wellMechanical densifying forces of big9 pressure however lower or quenchinorganic luminescence Even within a crystal an environmental factorstrongly influences luminescence the configuration symmetry of thecrystal structure represents the environment for an activator ion e gMn2 in tetrahedral coordination fluoresces green in octahedral coordination red and in a ninefold coordination yellowQualitative changes occur with decreasing metal concentration in the transitions from the pure element via a coloured but not luminescing metal compound to the metal as a trace element within a noncoloured but luminescing host Similar principal changes have been described by Rudolf Steiner for the process of potentization in which substances open themselves to the environment to spiritual forcesThe relationship of luminescence to spiritual forces is also expressed by mythological pictures in legends on polar igats electroluminescence which have always been experienced as being related to the dead and unborn humans living in the environmcnt} }