@article{10.18756/jfg.2011.91, title = {{Peripherie und Zentrum . Indizien f{\"u}r Umst{\"u}lpungen im Pflanzenwachstum }}, shorttitle = {{Peripherie und Zentrum }}, author = {G{\"a}deke, Manfrid}, journal = {Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus}, year = {2011}, volume = {2011}, pages = {91--150}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/jfg.2011.91}, doi = {10.18756/jfg.2011.91}, issn = {Print :1866-4830 Online : 2750-2341 }, language = {de}, abstract = {}, annote = {Periphery and centre indicators for inversions in plant growthGoethe said that nature has no secrets that she does not somewhere present naked to the eyes of the attentive observer Annals of 1790 A secret in two senses ie not only for our inspection but also for our understamling is the changing shape of the organ in the shoot bud l put forward the thesis that this process becomes clearer if we assume it involves a kind of invagination and uniting of initially external organs which then in turn follow a redivision and evagination of the centre that has thus arisen into the peripheryThrough the prominence of its central organ the ovary with style and stigma and through the associated cessation of growth the flower appears as both a revelation of the centre and a polarity to the vegetative shoot that has a tip capable of development and a diversity of leaves which arise one after the other at positions on the periphery Special inflorescences appear as an intermediate phenomenon between these poles Studying them reveals the Contrasting relations and enables us to see the metmnorphoses between them Thus flower formation is latent in the shoot and shoot formation latent in the flower This helps explain otherwise puzzling phenomena Nature reveals the secret of the shoot in the flower that of the flower in the shoot and that of the connection of the two in the inflorescenceTo illustrate this we discuss among other things the phenomena of shoot uniting and spliting off coneaulescence and recaulescence flower inversion resupination teratological phenomena various peloric forms proliferous flowers ring fasciations double leaves as Well as certain normal fruit flower inlloreseenee and leaf forms} }