@article{10.18756/jfg.2011.25, title = {{Knochenbildung in Wechselwirkung mit der Atmung bei S{\"u}{\ss}wasser-Schildkr{\"o}ten }}, shorttitle = {{Knochenbildung in Wechselwirkung mit der Atmung bei S{\"u}{\ss}wasser-Schildkr{\"o}ten }}, author = {Gehlig, Roselies}, journal = {Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus}, year = {2011}, volume = {2011}, pages = {25--90}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.18756/jfg.2011.25}, doi = {10.18756/jfg.2011.25}, issn = {Print :1866-4830 Online : 2750-2341 }, language = {de}, abstract = {}, annote = {Through the specific anatomy of their lungs enclosed in the shell the rhythtmic system of turtles is less autonomous than in other reptiles higher animals or the human being This correlates with an openness to the influences of annual rhythms in the environment Such openness is at its most extreme in the North American Freshwater turtles which interrupt their lung breathing and switch to an oxygenindependent metabolism This produces lactic acid which increasingly overacidifies the organism This is however counteracted by the shell carapace plastron and skeletal mineral breathing out through the release of above all hydrogen carbonate labile carbonate HCO3 In contrast in the summer when the lung is active and the organism becomes stroneg alkaline the mineral phase increasingly takes up HCO3 from the blood breathing in In this way lung function is transferred from the central rhythmic system to the metaboliclimbshell system as a metaholic breathing bone breathing As part of the lesser emancipation of the rhythmic system breathing processes are carried on with the participation of hydrogen carbonate metabolism in various ways and with different organs lung skin and mucosa liver kidney shell and skeleton as multiorgan breathing The mineralised shell of the turtle like the oyster shell described by Rudolf Steiner is an expression of the larger excarnated outer soul of this animal Whilst it gives it a remarkable vitality it prevents the development of greater behavioural diversity and consciousness When human beings acquire such shellforming mineralising capacities in their lungs they become ill eg tuberculosis According to Rudolf Steiner the Iungs inside the human being regulate an earthforming process This is interpreted in the following way As long as the lungs are kept free from mineralising forces the human being can free his soul life from his body and be freely spiritually active His individual earth forming process comprises his healthy incarnation on the earth The lungs interact with bone mineral in freshwater turtles mainly with the mineralised shell with cessation of lung function in winter the shell and bone mineral mainly release calcium together with hydrogen carbonate into the blood demineralisation In contrast in summer when the lungs are functioning hydrogen carbonate is taken up from the blood and with it certainly calcium mineralisation Less pronounced processes of this kind also occur in the skeleton of patients with acidosis or alkalosis Whereas extreme acidosis or alkalosis is highly pathological or lethal for humans both conditions belong to the normal life of the freshwater turtles in accordance with the seasonal rhythms of their biotopes} }