Die Metamorphosen der Pflanzen (Stockholm 1755)

Mit einem Vorwort und Nachwort von Wolfgang Schad
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2014, 2014, P.7-42 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2014.7


In 1755, under the direction of Carl von Linné, the Swedish botanist Nicolaus (= Nils) E. Dahlberg (1735-1820) published his botanical dissertation Metamorphoses Plantarum. It deals with seven types of plant metamorphosis. Its focus is on the formation of the organs of fructification (flower, fruit, seed) because these, and not the vegetative fundament, were regarded as the actual plant. The flower and fruit organs in the stem layers, unfolded to the exterior, were supposed to be already complete primordially in the seed, just as the butterfly comes from the caterpillar and chrysalis. This document, originally printed in Latin, is republished here for the first time in a complete German translation. The Foreword and Postscript by Wolfgang Schad draw attention to the historical change in botanical science of the 16th and 17th into that of the 18th and 19th centuries. The dynamic conception of true new formations took the place of the static views of Baroque rationalism. Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1759) and Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1790) set against the earlier preformationist hypothesis their discovery of the formation of the reproductive organs through metamorphosis of the true leaves. Linnaeus and Goethe are characterised as the paradigmatic representatives of the two different outlooks.


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