Carl Fortlage (1806-1881), der Entdecker des Leib-Seele-Verhältnisses.

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2018, 2018

ANDREAS SUCHANTKE 27. Juli 1933 - 9. November 2014

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2015, 2015

Zum Leben und Wirken von Thomas Göbel

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2006, 2006

In memoriam of Thomas Göbel (1 1.2.1928 - 8.4.2006)

In 1967, Thomas Göbel founded the Carl Gustav Carus Institute in Öschelbronn/ Germany for Goethean-anthroposophical research on natural sciences, medicine and pharmacy. The following year he founded the Tvcl;m Brahe Publishing Company in Ösche/hronn for ;mh/imtiun of articles with a… read more

Nachruf auf Thomas Göbel

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2006, 2006

In memoriam of Thomas Göbel (1 1.2.1928 - 8.4.2006)

In 1967, Thomas Göbel founded the Carl Gustav Carus Institute in Öschelbronn/ Germany for Goethean-anthroposophical research on natural sciences, medicine and pharmacy. The following year he founded the Tvcl;m Brahe Publishing Company in Ösche/hronn for ;mh/imtiun of articles with a… read more

Nachruf auf einen Freund und Arbeitskollegen - Thomas Göbel

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2006, 2006

In memoriam of Thomas Göbel (1 1.2.1928 - 8.4.2006)

In 1967, Thomas Göbel founded the Carl Gustav Carus Institute in Öschelbronn/ Germany for Goethean-anthroposophical research on natural sciences, medicine and pharmacy. The following year he founded the Tvcl;m Brahe Publishing Company in Ösche/hronn for ;mh/imtiun of articles with a… read more


Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2006, 2006

On meditation

Building up the content of a meditation begins with a contemplative work on the ideas contained in a short sentence or verse, for example one of the verses of Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul. In this context it is helpful to do this together with other people in a group as something above the personal level. This… read more

Tycho Brahe in seiner gegenwärtigen Aktualität

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2001, 2001

Tycho Brahe and his modern significance - 14th December 1546 - 24th October 1601

On 24th October 1601 Tycho Brahe died. His life-work enabled Johannes Kepler’s discovcry of the so called Kepler’s laws. With Brahe and Kepler a thousand year old striving for the mathematical description of the planets’ orbits rcached its culmination.… read more

Johannes Müller im 19. Jahrhundert

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2001, 2001

Johannes Müller in the 19th century - destiny of his life and work

Johannes Müller (1801-1858) was not only the leading German physiologist in the first half of the 19th century but the teacher of a whole generation of natural scientists including Hermann von Helmholtz, Ernst Brücke, Carl Ludwig, Emil Du Bois-Reymond, Rudolf Virchow and… read more

Bibliographie: Gerbert Grohmann

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 1997, 1997