Zur anthroposophischen Menschenkunde der Krebskrankheit

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2008, 2008, P.105-144 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2008.105


An anthroposophical perspective on human cancer

In the eighties of the last century it was realised that cancer is more than just a formless mass of proliferating cells. Ian Folkman discovered that blood vessels from the apparently healthy surroundings of the tumour grow into it, without which an increase in the diameter of the tumour to more than 3-4 mm is impossible. Moreover, the metastasis of tumours was then understood as the result of this ‚tumour angiogenesis‘. In the course of only two decades this led to the development of a completely new class of cancer drugs, the so-called ‚tumour angiogenesis inhibitors‘. Even today these are more successful than all efforts hitherto to activate the immune system for tumour-defence, although knowledge of the immune system predates it by decades. After a further ten years, research has shown why this is: The immune system behaves ambivalently in relation to tumour formation in that it not only attacks tumours, but can also significantly support them. This article is concerned with this ambivalence and presents the consequcnces for mistletoe therapy and the biological understanding of tumour formation.


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