Der Typus zwischen Irrationalität und Rationalität - oder: Das geheime Gesetz des Siebensterns (Trientalis europaea)

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2012, 2012, P.129-188 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2012.129


The ’typus’ between irrationality and rationality - or: the secret law of chickweed wintergreen (‘star-flower’, Trientalis europaea)

The theory of phyllotaxis, the positions of leaves on plants, describes the reciprocal 'annidation‘ of plant organs and thus the adaptation of the plant organism to itself so to speak. In this respect it is related to the Darwinian theory of evolution. But with this theory, in the more readily comprehensible field of a microcosm, it is evident that the principle of competition and delimitation always goes hand in hand with the polar principle of association, and that, from it, diversity and harmony follow in equal measure. The sequence of leaf primordia, which initially aims at increasing temporal and spatial distance from the starting point of development, cyclically returns in the vicinity of this starting point. This results in labile neighbourhood constellations, and sooner or later, in various possible ways, arrives at a 'short-circuit'. Irrational geometrical distributive relationships - particularly clear in whorl formation - can modify themselves into rational; successive appearance can become simultaneous. New units and series arise and constantly form new starting points for further, though cyclic - or, more precisely, spiral - development. Goethe's theory of metamorphosis with its concept of the archetypal plant, and Rudolf Steiner's indications on the relationship of astronomy to the other natural scientific disciplines takes into account the interplay between irrationality and rationality, distance and convergence. In the work here presented, this interplay is illustrated with common and uncommon phyllotactic relationships and the history of their discovery. (By 'common' leaf arrangements we mean the strictly alternating whorls, as well as the leaf spirals, which keep to the divergence angle of the golden section, or its approximations corresponding to the Schimper-Braun main series.) Among others, the independent significance of a hitherto highly disregarded series of leaf positions, the 'alternating series', is emphasised. In addition, in the simple case of the change in leaf size, the interplay of organ quality and the geometry of position is clarified, and it is shown that the strict logical consistency of typological connections does not stop where considerations have to switch from mathematical to qualitative.


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