Ur-Experimente zur phänomennahen Bildung der Begriffe »Polarisation des Lichtes« und »Optische Aktivität« einer Substanz

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2011, 2011, P.187-248 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2011.187


Archetypal experiments for conceptualising both the polarisation of light and the optical activity of a substance while staying close to the phenomena

In the 17"‘ century, C. Huygens described the 'phénornéne merveilleux', a 'wonderful' optical experiment with two calcite (Iceland spar) crystals. ln connection with this, a series of three even more wonderful experiments were conceived in which transparent mica, quartz or an 'optically active substance' formed by life were each placed between the calcite crystals. These experiments have not so far been described by the science historian, but together show all the optical phenomena with complete complementarity. Thus, for example, they produce Goethe's complete colour circle‚ and, in the nuances of peach blossom‚ Steiner's twelve-colour circle can be vividly presented through experiment.

Looking at the series of experiments helps us to Form concepts that are close to the phenomenon. The modern concept 'polarisation of light', supporting the physical-mechanical model of electromagnetic transverse waves‚ can be extended or replaced by a concept of a polarisation in two opposite qualities’ formed directly by experiment. The phenomenon of the ’optical activity of a substance' led historically to the tetrahedral spatial model of carbon, which for the first time enabled an understanding of the 'spatial structure of organic chemical molecules'. This solely spatial way of picturing it can be conceived as a 'process unambiguity' through ideation that comprehends the temporal dimension from the living world.

ln these 'archetypal experiments' important crystal properties of optically pure quartz and calcite crystals are recognisable. Considered in a Goethean way, particular properties of the mineral archetypal polarity of calcite and silica are further intensified in carbon. This makes it possible to understand the role of carbon as the bearer of spatial-temporal formative processes in the living world.


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