Eine Übersicht zur Gliederung der Blumentiere mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Korallen

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2016, 2016, P.7-66 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2016.7


After a general overview of the phylum Cnidaria with their bilayered structure and two Characteristic life forms, polyp (sessile) and medusa (mobile), the Anthozoa, which comprise their own class, are examined in detail by focusing on the colony- forming Anthozoa, which are also referred to as corals. We can distinguish two fundamentally different formative principles: on the one hand the Octocorallia, which — if present — are distinguished by an endoskeleton and an eightfold polyp symmetry, and on the other hand the Hexacorallia, which — if present — are distinguished by an exoskeleton and an internal symmetrical arrangement of polyps that is always based on multiples of six. Characteristic species are selected and presented from the viewpoint of their biology of form and typical modes of existence. From this, organising principles and a clear classification are gradually developed. From these individual overviews a suggestion for classification is elaborated and related to the results of cladistic research.


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