Was spricht sich in den Schlafphasen des Menschen aus?
What is expressed in a person’s sleeping phases?
Whereas contemporary psychologists and philosophers puzzle over whether there is any such thing as 'consciousness', sleep researchers are in surprising agreement that the human being daily passes through three different forms of consciousness: waking, sleeping, dreaming. But just as… read more

Cosmic trees and chronobiology Potentials for innovative scientific research and bio-compatible applications
Cosmic trees and chronobiology. Potentials for innovative scientific research and bio-compatible applications
By analogy with mythical world or cosmic trees, which show common elements despite their different origins, for more than two thousand years certain forestry practices and rules regarding tree management and felling have been… read more

»Studieren Sie die Rhythmen«- zum Gedenken an Gunther Hildebrandt
Jahresrhythmus und Schilddrüsenfunktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Morbus Basedow
Annual rhythm and thyroid function with particular reference to Grave’s disease
Turning points in the biological year are not identical to those of the cosmic-geophysical year. The ascending half of the biological year (February to August) is marked by an ergotropic tendency for vegetatively autonomous regulation. Correspondingly, in… read more

Chronobiologische Aspekte der Schmerzempfindung
Chronobiological aspects of pain sensation
It has been known for a long time that sensation of pain shows large variations. The first systematic investigations were carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. Principally, pain intensity can be influenced by sensitivity changes of the nociceptors in peripheral tissue and by… read more

Chronobiologie ist Ätherforschung
Chronobiology is etheric research
Research on the etheric world easily leads to evasive methods: to chemically and physically controlled laboratory experiments on dead substances or to psychological formulation of the concepts. The first method tries to objectify the etheric world; the second subjectifies it. The etheric world, however… read more

Morphologische und physiologische Mosaikbildungen in den Familien Loranthaceae und Viscaceae
Development of morphological and physiological mosaics in the Loranthaceae and Viscaceae families
The histories of development of N nytsia flor'ibunda and Viscum album are compared. Both plant species show»morphological«penetrations called mosaics.
N uytsia floribzmda develops a morphological mosaic by penetration of root and… read more

Neue klinische Befunde zur reaktiven Zirkaseptanperiodik