Geschichte und Problem des Höherentwicklungsbegriffs

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2002, 2002, P.7-76 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2002.7


The history and problem of the idea of evolution

The usual picture of the phylogenetic process is that there were first single-celled bacteria-like organisms followed by multicellular,»lower«and later»higher«, rather complex and differentiated forms of life. This succession of evolutionary changes has often been called»evolutionary progress«. This motion is increasingly criticized in modern evolutionary sciences, but at the same time it can be shown that nearly all evolutionists of today use the picture of a»progressive«evolutionary process in one way or another, although they try to avoid the term by theoretical considerations. Ever since Darwin’s time, evolutionary biologists have been unable to live either with or without the motion of progress. This situation points to an unsolved problem concerning the understanding of the macroevolutionary process.

The article analyses the historical and theoretical background of this situation. It shows, that the term»evolutionary progress«carries some historical and theoretical ballast with it that must be overcome. But at the same time it is used as a metaphor for the qualitative changes that took place during evolution, which are still difficult to describe, but are essential to understanding the historical features. It shows also that the very diverging attitudes of evolutionists towards the term point to fundamental differences concerning the general scientific view of the process of evolution. Some elements are developed to contribute to an epistemologically solid notion of the underlying context and a brief outlook is given to the scientific work on some key problems that might lead to a solution of the controversies.


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