Zur Evolution des menschlichen Kopfes

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2015, 2015

In the evolution of the human head a Shift in complexity takes place. Complexity is predorninately reduced in the jaw region (distally), in which the organism comes into direct contact with the environment through nutrition. Proxirnally, in the brain, besides the degradation processes present, complexity is predominately increased. The… read more

Zur Evolution des menschlichen Kopfes

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2015, 2015

In the evolution of the human head a Shift in complexity takes place. Complexity is predorninately reduced in the jaw region (distally), in which the organism comes into direct contact with the environment through nutrition. Proxirnally, in the brain, besides the degradation processes present, complexity is predominately increased. The… read more

Von der Symbiose zum sogenannten Brutparasitismus

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2014, 2014

The three bird families, weavers, viduids (whydahs/indigobirds) and estrildids (waxbills), which today are classified separately, during the last century were regarded, often taxonomically variably, as one big family with corresponding sub-families. They probably once belonged to one family. In the weaver-bird group there is a genus whose males… read more

Die evolutionäre Bedeutung des Spiels

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2014, 2014

The evolutionary significance of play

Human and animal play is both a fascinating and puzzling phenomenon. Its origin and function cannot be conclusively explained within conventional evolutionary theory. However, nowadays there exist extensive accounts and scientific descriptions that can provide us with a wealth of well documented… read more

Von der Symbiose zum sogenannten Brutparasitismus

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2014, 2014

The three bird families, weavers, viduids (whydahs/indigobirds) and estrildids (waxbills), which today are classified separately, during the last century were regarded, often taxonomically variably, as one big family with corresponding sub-families. They probably once belonged to one family. In the weaver-bird group there is a genus whose males… read more

Die evolutionäre Bedeutung des Spiels

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2014, 2014

The evolutionary significance of play

Human and animal play is both a fascinating and puzzling phenomenon. Its origin and function cannot be conclusively explained within conventional evolutionary theory. However, nowadays there exist extensive accounts and scientific descriptions that can provide us with a wealth of well documented… read more

Verstehen wir das Leben in Entwicklung?

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2013, 2013

Do we understand life in development?

This contribution discusses the obstacles to understanding the evolution of living nature and the human being. What are these obstacles? Life can show us what true time really is, for which our concept of Newtonian time is inadequate. The way we ordinarily understand our soul and spirit is… read more

Verstehen wir das Leben in Entwicklung?

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2013, 2013

Do we understand life in development?

This contribution discusses the obstacles to understanding the evolution of living nature and the human being. What are these obstacles? Life can show us what true time really is, for which our concept of Newtonian time is inadequate. The way we ordinarily understand our soul and spirit is… read more

Entwurf einer organismischen Systembiologie

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2010, 2010

Sketch of an organismic systems biology

Biology has been dominated for a long time by two contrasting explanations and research approaches: reductionism and holism. This article shows that both views are one-sided and that a new synthesis can be developed. We develop a fundamental concept of the organism starting from the earlier… read more

Entwurf einer organismischen Systembiologie

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2010, 2010

Sketch of an organismic systems biology

Biology has been dominated for a long time by two contrasting explanations and research approaches: reductionism and holism. This article shows that both views are one-sided and that a new synthesis can be developed. We develop a fundamental concept of the organism starting from the earlier… read more