Die heimischen Johanniskrautarten der Gattung Hypericum im Vergleich

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2001, 2001, P.165-213 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2001.165


The native species of the genus Hypericum compared

In Middle Europe the genus Hypericum is divided into six sections systemizing ten Hypericnm species according to morphological characteristics. In our proposed order, Hypericum perfomtum as a mesophil perennial plant is positioned between the related hygro- and xerophil species. Within a small polarity, subspecies of Hypericum perfommm colonize both humid and dry localities. The hygrophyte Hypericum elodes and the xerophyte Hypericum coris represent the poles of the large polarity in our proposed order.

Chorologically the spatial metamorphosis from herb to tree is like a process of ageing, increasing from Middle Europe through the Mediterranean to the tropics. Evolutionarily the temporal metamorphosis from tree to herb, supposed since Devonian and Carboniferous until recent times, shows a process of rejuvenation. Hypericum perfomtnm develops in the tension presented by the polarity and represents the centre of our proposed order.


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