Miniaturen am Wege - zwei Süßwasser-Rotalgen, zwei Ritterfalter und zwei Lurche im Vergleich

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2007, 2007, P.79-112 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2007.79


Miniatures on the path. Two red algae in freshwater, two swallowtail butterflies, and two amphibians in comparison

Both native freshwater red algae, Batrac/oospermum and Lemanea, have been introduced. Their morphology in space and time are compared. A report on breeding both native swallowtail butterfly species - Ipbiclides podalirius and Papilio machaon - follows. By comparing them with each other and with Parnassius apollo many details are understandable. The paper concludes with the biology of the olm, Proteus anguineus, in Slowenia and the midwife toad Alytes 0bstetricans in western Europe. The characteristics were obtained from observing them in their natural biotope and from their position in the threefold classification of their relatives.


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