Die Sinnlichkeit des Menschen

Der Leib als Instrument der freien Weltzuwendung des Ich
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2014, 2014, P.219-288 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2014.219


In search of a clear distinction between 'sensoriality' and 'desire' in man, our course leads past the traditional rejection of 'sensoriality' by the main religions of the world, and past the unclarity of popular concepts. From there it proceeds to the senses-negating subjectivism of a materialistic theory of knowledge, which dominates the world from Descartes via Kant to the philosophical physicalism of our time. The apory (= insoluble inconsistency) of this senses-negating attitude is illustrated by its factual conflict with neo-Darwinism, to which all existence is equally just an expression of physical laws, yet which holds that sensory observation is indispensable. Thus the sexual deception of male bees through the mimicry of certain orchid species is taken as an example of how 'objective' is the 'sensoriality' of lower animals, to the extent that it was decisive for animal and plant co-evolution. This would indicate that modern philosophers are right, were the human being an animal. For animals perceive abstractly as if they are living in a virtual world. To do justice to this question, we include the spectrum of the twelve-fold human senses, brought forward by anthroposophy. This brings us up against two entities in the human being that work opposite to one another. On the one hand there is the 'bone and nerve man' formed by the senses, and on the other hand the 'blood and muscle man' that carries the will, desire, the growth processes, the erect posture and thus the human being's consciousness of self. Human sensoriality reveals itself as a system of breaking-down formative forces that sbape the organism. Thereby it is revealed that the bone and the nerve systems are the only two human organ systems that form cell walls in addition to cell membranes. This is new and surprising, because not only does it include the bones with the nerve-sensory system, which Rudolf Steiner was already aware of, but also because up to our time the existence of cell walls is acknowledged only in plants. Overall, the contrasting of the sensory-bone human being with the desire-muscle human being reveals how necessary it is to grasp that the feeling human requires an artistic outlook and the moral human a spiritual one. Only then man can see how the human will extends into the activity of the senses, and how man will only be free by developing himself beyond nature.


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