In die Welt gestellt sein zwischen Oben, Mitte und Unten

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2012, 2012

Being placed in the world between above, centre and below. A plea for trust in the phenomena

The directions of gaze 'above', 'centre' and 'below' are investigated for their phenomenological content. Photographic documents serve to illustrate. A tabular compilation with a commentary helps to classify and evaluate the phenomena. The… read more

Goethes und Schillers Xenien über »Die Philosophen«

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2011, 2011

Goethe's and Schiller's Xenien on 'The Philosophers'

The Xenien is a series of satirical epigrams that Johnnn Wolfgang von Goethe und Friedrich Schiller first published in 1797 in Schiller's Musenalmanach. The name Xenien was coined by the Roman poet Martial (1st century AD) who thus named the 13th book of his Martial Epigrams which… read more