Metamorphosen in einem künstlerischen Werdegang
Metamorphosis in the biography of an artist Philippe Lambercy, ceramist (1919-2006)
Philippe Lambercy was one of the pioneers of modern ceramics. He left behind a wide range of works including pottery, ceramic sculptures, installations and architectonic works, especially reliefs on public und private buildings. He also left drawings,… read more

Der goldene Schnitt und das Mysterium der Schönheit
The golden section and the mystery of beauty
What is beauty? It is not difficult for us to name things which we perceive as beautiful, harmonic or pleasant. But at the same time this property seems to evade all objective and scientific descriptions. A general law has not yet been found behind the mystery of beauty.
On the path… read more

Laut - Sprache - Rhythmus und Reim
Sound - language - rhythm and rhyme
The basis of all language is sound comprising vowels and consonants. Vowels are expressions of the human mind: A - amazement at the wonders of the world and one’s own soul; E - a sobering encounter with one’s own self; I - an expression of one’s own human being in relation to the world; 0 - loving… read more
Bausteine zu einer goetheanistischen Geschichte der neueren deutschen
Bausteine zu einer goetheanistischen Geschichte der neueren deutschen Literatur

Eurythmie - Eine Bewegungskunst zwischen Mimik, Ballett und Ausdruckstanz

NETTER, F.H. 1982: Farbatlanten der Medizin, Bd. 4, Stuttgart

Zur Menschenkunde der Eurythmie und der anderen Künste