Zur evolutiven Ausbildung von Blüte und Frucht bei den Hahnenfußgewächsen

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2002, 2002, P.77-143 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2002.77


Concerning the evolutionary development of the blossom and fruit of the Ranunculaeeae

The fruit formation of the Ranunculaceae - evolutionarily early representatives of the angiosperms - is taken as a motif in examining the evolutiona1y path of the formation of both the angiosperm blossoms, exposed as they are to their surroundings, and the inner space of their fruit.

The evolution of the plant kingdom integrates, internalizes and individualizes morphological unities in four evolutionary steps:

- The first step leads to the development of the eucaryotic cell which is the first morphological unity.

- The second step leads to the formation of the thallus, the basic organ of thallous algae.

- The third step develops the telom as the basic organ of the pteridoplaytcs.

- The fourth step leads to the formation of the tritom, the basic organ of the angi03perms.

The tritom is introduced for the first time as the angiosperm’s basic organ. Preceding tissue differentiation (teloms), this organ structure makes possible the fetalization of tritom complexes. In these tritom complexes the blossom and fruit structures are reaehed by relocation of the organ structures.

In aceordance with Goethe, the idea of the»leaf«as the original organ of the plant has to be differcntiated in a fourfold manner. In the case of the algae the thallus represents their»leaf«, in the case of the pteridophytes the telom‚ and in the angiosperms the tritom is»leaf«.

The evolution of the angiosperms is completed in the process and shape of the blossom - the blossom being self-polar - where the biological relation between the blossom appearing and pollinators’ behaviour is evident.


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