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Woher kommt das Salz des Meeres und wohin geht es?
The dissolved salts in the sea come from freshwater tributaries, which contain a small amount of salt that remains in the sea as the corresponding water evaporates. This means that the salt in the sea should actually continue to accumulate, as happens in lakes with no outflow in arid regions. However, this does not occur in the oceans. The salt… Read More

Die Goetheanisten und die Verständigen - Zur Metamorphose und Systematik der Pflanzen und Pflanzengesellschaften
Efforts to demonstrate the compatibility of the Goetheanistic approach to observing nature with the conventional mode of the academic field are the order of the day for Goetheanists, who have also sufficiently experienced the value of the latter. Here examples, especially from the field of inflorescence morphology and phytosociology will… Read More

Flight of Shimmering Light: Exploring Insights into Hummingbird Biology from Comparative Morphology
The 377 species of hummingbirds (Family Trochilidae) occur across the Americas and are considered the most colorful group of birds in the world. This status is achieved due to the majority of species exhibiting various degrees of brilliant plumage iridescence. Hum- mingbirds also include the smallest birds in the world, with the Bee… Read More

Entstehungsprozesse von Perspektive und Wissenschaft in der Renaissance - Ein essyistischer Dialog zwischen Mathematik und Kunstgeschichte
The term Renaissance seems too established and popular to be successfully overcome or replaced. However, reservations are justified for several reasons: more than any other epoch, the Renaissance is associated with a conservative and evaluative style of art histo- riography, which organizes the change in pictorial forms of expression… Read More

Im Gedenken an Wolfgang Engelmann: Leidenschaftlicher Forscher, Lehrer und Künstler (26. Februar 1934 - 1. Juli 2023)

Cup-and-Ring Marks
This study examines the phenomenon of the so-called »cup-and-ring marked rocks« from the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age, as they occur particularly in Scotland and on the Atlantic fringe of Western Europe. This research report has its focus on their aesthetic ef- fects. A phenomenology of their appearance is worked out by starting with the… Read More

Die Steigbildmethode
Until the 1980s, the »Rising Picture Method« was valued in anthroposophical contexts as one of the »Picture-forming Methods« and was considered particularly suitable for making statements on the quality of plants and plant extracts. It turned out, however, that many of these assumptions did not hold true; for example, the relationship of the… Read More

Wolfgang Schad (27. Juli 1935 - 15. Oktober 2022)

Erinnerungen an die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Wolfgang Schad