Über Methoden zur Erforschung hygiogenetischer Prozesse
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On research methods of hygiogenetic processes
The processes bringing about health after illncss may be considered as metamorphoscs of those processes which generally enable health. As rhythm is one of the most essential conditions of life, we speak of hygiodynamics (maintenance of health) and hygiogenesis (healing) respectively. So knowledge of the spectrum of spontaneous biological rhythms and the separation of reactively released (healing) processes with their structural specifications (reactive periods) are assumptions for understanding hygiogenetic processes. In this connection, normalisation processes (nightly normalisation, adaptive normalisation) are of special significance.
Frequent measurements in intensive observation sequences during the course of the illncss and searching for ordering relationships (rhythmical functional coherence) are essential methodological entry points for understanding hygiogenetic processes. The phenomenon of normalisation, in particular, points to a methodological feature: only previously divcrging values which thcrcafter approach normal values can be judged. When there has been no divergcnce it is impossible to prove a normalisation process. This is the reason why many therapeutic approaches which follow the principle of natural therapy cannot be demonstrated with healthy individuals.
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