Chronobiologische Aspekte der Schmerzempfindung
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Chronobiological aspects of pain sensation
It has been known for a long time that sensation of pain shows large variations. The first systematic investigations were carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. Principally, pain intensity can be influenced by sensitivity changes of the nociceptors in peripheral tissue and by processing of the pain signal in the central nervous system. Furthermore it is known that different qualities of pain - such as the so-called surface pain (1st pain, AB fibres) and internal pain (2ud pain, C fibres) are related to different afferences and are subjectcd to different intensity changes. Finally, changes of pain sensation are to be expected depending on variations in the pain-causing disease.
More recently, circadian changes of pain sensation have been well investigated: whereas maximum sensation of protopathic pain is at night, for epicritic pain it is during daytime. Clinical observations are available, for example for headache and pectanginous pain. The effectiveness of analgesics and the use of analgesic placebos show clear circadian influences. Moreover, ultra- and infradian variations of pain sensation are observed. Infradian pain sensation variations are mostly related to the menstrual cycle, to reactive periods of several days and to influences of the annual rhythm.
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