Von Bärlappen, Mondrauten und Natternzungen

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2004, 2004, P.119-146 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2004.119


Clubmosses, grape-ferns and Adder’s-tongue ferns

The clubmosses (Lycopodiaceae), grape-ferns (Botrychium) and Adder’s-tongue ferns (Op/aioglossum) are rclatively rare groups of pteridophytes in the European flora. Here we help to analyze the different species in the field as well as to grasp the obvious coherence of these differences. Thus, in the course of evolution of the clubmosses from the more primitive to the more derived members‚ we encounter an increasing polarisation in the shape of both the rhizome-root system and the generative organ system. In the grape-ferns there is a strong connection between size and the morphological differentiation of the plant - often known though not mentioned. The first fossil ancestors of the pteridophytes in Devonian times are also mentioned.


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