Der Flüssigkeitsorganismus des Menschen, seine Organe und Organfunktionen als Grundlage des Fühlens

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2004, 2004, P.187-194 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2004.187


The fluid organization of man, his organs and organ functions as a basis of feeling

The rhythmical organization of the human being comprises a co-operation of the fluid organism with breathing. The fluid organism is developed by a central arterial pressure system and a venous flow system open to the periphery. This represents the basis of feeling. Sympathy stimulates flow at the periphery and retards the pressure system at the centre. Antipathy stimulates the central pressure system and retards flow at the periphery. The pressure system doubles the central pressure wave - musically interpreted, this is an octave. The flow system is able to expand to the periphery or to eoneentrate at the centre. Temporarily the flow system increases the duration of exhalation, whereas the pressure system increases the duration of inhalation.


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