Die Eurythmie will durch Bewegung das Geistige in das Materielle überführen
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2004, 2004,
P.195-220 |
DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2004.195
eurythmy | Language: German | €6
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Eurythmy aims to lead spirit into matter through movement
Eurythmy aims to manifest the threefold process of human speech in the world of matter. The dynamics (willing) of speech becomes visible as eurythmic»movement«, sonation as»feeling«, and artieulation as»character«. The three types of sound formation - vowels by sonation, nasal sounds (M and N) by articulation and sonation, and plosives by articulation only - are translated into eurythmy. Here the A gesture, the nasal sound M, the plosive sound F and the consonant T are presented. Explaining these eurythmic gestures and movements leads to an understanding of the spiritual basis which becomes visible in the world of matter through eurythmy.
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