Cosmic trees and chronobiology Potentials for innovative scientific research and bio-compatible applications
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Cosmic trees and chronobiology. Potentials for innovative scientific research and bio-compatible applications
By analogy with mythical world or cosmic trees, which show common elements despite their different origins, for more than two thousand years certain forestry practices and rules regarding tree management and felling have been carried out according to common astronomic factors, regardless of the continent on which they occur or the indigenous culture involved. In addition to a specific season of the year, the management intervention often has to take into account moon cyclcs.
A general review of the different types of rules followed, shows that the reactions of trees to pruning, such as the formation of coppice shoots or development of special timber qualities and uses, are mentioned in relation to specific pruning or felling dates. These moon-related felling dates supposedly ensure advantageous physiological reactions or special wood properties. The experimental part of this article presents scientific studies specially concerned with the factor ‘moon phases, as a synodic rhythm’ between New Moon and Full Moon. On the one hand they deal with elements of tree biology such as germination; initial growth of tropical trees; chemical composition of palms (where strong and systematic variations and their complicating aspects have been observed); reversible, circadian fluctuations of stem diameters and bio-electric potentials. On the other hand, some work concentrates on wood properties and the relation between wood as a hygroscopic material and the absorbcd cell wall water as a function of the felling date. Furthermore, recent research on lignifying (woody) plants deals with the second main rhythm, often mentioned in the management rules, namely the slightly shorter sidereal moon rhythm, linked to the position of our satellite in front of the astronomic zodiacal constellations.
On this basis, a fruitful transdisciplinary exchange is possible between researchers and representatives of old traditional cultures, related to a ‘cosmic' dimension of trees and to the scientific, social, philosophic and practical meaning of this level. New perspectives of application can be identified, in conformity with the criteria of biocompatible technologies.
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