Goetheanismus als»Erdung«der Anthroposophie - Die Bedeutung der Sinneswahrnehmung für die goetheanistische und anthroposophische Erkenntnismethode
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Goetheanism as a grounding’ of anthroposophy - The meaning of sense perception for Goetheanistic and anthroposophical methods of knowledge
Consciously conducted and controlled Goethean study takes place by the following steps, characterised approximately:
1. Perception is fully focused on the object, and carries out with it all the movements of its form and structuring, without any interpretation of them, but keeps every perception in mind as exactly as possible. As research shows, in this kind of intense perception the subject is actively involved without critically reflecting the object - just 'doing' it, i. e. drawing it, making notes etc. (active devotion: sentient soul).
2. In the second step, the experiences are lifted to the level of designating them with concepts although such designations have only the character of analogy, just serving the process of becoming conscious, without having any knowledge value. They are purely for sharpening attention and exactness of memory (intellectual soul).
3. In the next step the observer repeatedly dwells meditatively on the pictorial, sensorial experiences, and the movements of the form experienced inwardly are carried out again. This has to be done in conformity with the object in such a conceptually clear way that the resulting concept is not rigid but movable, open for new, extending, and possibly even completely changing, experiences (consciousness soul).
The reader of the following paper may wish to keep these three steps in mind and verify them. If it is thought that proceeding in this way is unnecessary and instead that it is possible to interpret the phenomena of the sense world With statements of spiritual science, then this will lead to the opposite. Phenomena will be interpreted according to one’s own world view, as happens everywhere, whether be is spiritualist, materialist or - as is currently back in fashion - creationist. This has nothing to do with true knowledge or being scientific.
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