Spuren des Chronos im Wurzelbereich

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2005, 2005, P.7-27 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2005.7


Traces of Chronos in the root region

Close investigation of rhythmic geniculation in root systems reveals cyclic processes of generation. Distinct roots repeatedly cease and are succeedecl by lateral ones. At a longer or shorter time before such a growth interruption takes place, the direction of growth changes more or less suddenly downwards. The causes of such phenomena were investigated by means of observations both in the natural habitat and during experimental, mainly hydroponic cultivation. Investigations of plants with shoots on roots - aptly termed»suckers«- were especially informative. Such shoots, and the»secondary«lateral roots belonging to them, initially grow»parasitically«. They mature when the resources in the mother root that enabled their formation are declining. In doing so, they first make greater contact with the other plant organs and provide them with water and nutrients, i. e. with assimilates. This is expressed in the change to vertical growth of the roots. The ratio of»parasitic«to integrated growth varies between different roots and shoots. As the plant gains vigour its capacity increases to supply the new organs for longer thus enabling their extensive growth. But as they become denser and less able to reach new resources in the environment, the maturation processes increase. Thus, in a single vegetative period, the growth of the whole plant comes to a standstill brought about by its own development. This leads to a»selection«of the few meristems that can continue the growth of the plant on a higher level.

In this way the proper plant form arises together with its adaptation to the particular outer conditions. This paper shows that connecting links exist between»normal«continued growth of extant shoots and the generation of root suckers. Thus the processes that are described for the latter can also to some extent explain the cyclic growth of other plants without root suckers.

Of special importance for all fields of botanical research is the recognition that plants, in their polarisation into root and shoot in proper temporal and spatial order, create the same conditions of deficiency or excess for the growth of their parts that are also produced in a more accidental way by outer circumstances. This enables recognition of a joint type (in Goethe’s sense) in all externally caused modifications (including the species differences determined by ancestry).


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