Entwurf zu einer Biologie der Freiheit am Beispiel der Singvögel Zur Differenzierung des Reviergesanges

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2007, 2007, P.33-78 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2007.33


An outline for a biology of freedom using songbirds as an example - Concerning the differentiation of the territorial song

The territory defended by songbirds is much more an acoustic territory than a foraging one. Therefore singing outside a territory more often leads to conflict than does searching for food there. The great significance of song quality is also recognisable by the fact that territorial behaviour correlates with the degree of development of the singing ability of a species. A differentiation of territorial song shows that conventional interpretations have only a certain validity for the lower level, the ‘aggressive territorial song’. Here, the males sing against each other, while they sing with each other in the ‘relaxed full song’ which is more complete, more varied, finer structured and more sonorous. Most of the disharmonic changes (noisier, sharper and shorter phrases) in the transition from the relaxed to the excited song are significant and reveal the bird’s change of mood. It is even possible to hear the bird descend into old, inherited song structures.

Everything which has been developed beyond the functional aggressive song of the lower level is development that has gone beyond biological necessity and shows a stepwise increase of autonomy up to the highest level, which may be called the ‘spherical song’. Counter singing (interactive singing) of neighbouring males reflects the steps of the three types of territorial song: at the lower level (vocal matching) one can hear the singing birds overlapping into each other’s phrases. At the intermediatc level, in a relaxed atmosphere, they sing in a harmonic and rhythmic interchange. At the higher level, the ‘convergent counter song’, they try to adapt to each other in their song phrases and themes until the sound patterns match each other.

On the basis of differentiating territorial song and the transitions from one song level to another a possible evolutionary developmental process of birdsong is discussed and the higher development of song is directly related to a reduction of sociability and an increase in individual autonomy.


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