Aspekte einer natürlichen Ordnung von Pflanzensubstanzen nach ihren Bildeprozessen
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Aspects of a natural classification of plant substances according to their formative processes
The question of the classification of plant primary and secondary substances is repeatedly raised and sometimes controversial. In the work presented here this question is investigated in relation to two ways. On the one hand the physical qualities of the substances are presented and characterised in their relationship to time, and on the other hand the formative processes of the different substances in the plant are taken into consideration. Perspectives for classification of the plant substances according to their formative processes result from the synthesis of these two ways of regarding the matter.This then leads to a clear and relatively comprehensive classification of the substances. The formative processes (metabolic cycles) are very suitable for characterising the metamorphosing principlc of the realm of matter and substance. The summary shows that the metabolic cycles should be seen as primary. Matter and its organisation according to a natural ordering is revealed as a ,coagulated process‘. This work thus indicates another way in to process-chemistry.
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