Gestaltmotive in der Gattung Ranunculus

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2009, 2009, P.83-114 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2009.83


Formative motifs in the genus Ranunculus

According to ‘Flora Europaea’ (2nd ed. 1993) almost every available habitat is colonised by the 135 species of the genus (not family!) Ranunculus. In parallel with this, manifests an enormous plasticity in the formation of the vegetative parts, the leaves, which have an almost inexhaustible multiplicity of forms, a diversity the like of which is shared by no other genus of flowering plants. Each of these forms reflects the structure and living conditions of the respective landscape occupied, from moist woodland to desert; from still waters to rushing brook and from maquis, that is green only in winter, to the nival zone in the mountains. Where markedly different habitats abut each other, bastardisation can occur with intermediary forms arising between the respective characteristic species (two examples are documented).

In contrast, apart from a few prominent exceptions, flower formation does not show a particularly remarkable variation - the plasticity and diversity of the possibilities remains, so it appears, With the vegetative part. The exceptions concern two widely separated geographical regions: the eastern Mediterranean and the Alps of New Zealand. In the present paper the latter is dealt with only aphoristically - characteristically for New Zealand, they are predominantly species with large white flowers with a strong tendency to hybridisation (cf. FISHER 1965). The other example, dealt with more thoroughly in this paper, concerns Ranunculus asiaticus, a remarkable species in several respects. One is that it falls completely outside the bounds of what is typical of the genus through not only the size but also the colour diversity of its extraordinarily large flowers. Another is the unusual diversity of its leaf forms within a population. Obviously it is a case of a species which has developed above the natural level of the genus to a level that is independent of it in the central, if not the oldest, region of intervention in nature by human cultivation. Its development is comparable only with cultivars although in this case it is of course unintentional.


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