Gicht und Rheumatismus aus psychosomatisch-anthroposophischer Perspektive
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Gout and rheumatism from a psychosomatic-anthroposophical perspective
The introduction of imaging procedures in radiology has provoked not only questions by the general public about the human 'I', and about the self-knowledge and freedom of will of the human being, but has also shaken internal medicine, and rheumatology in particular. So many questions are raised anew as a result of the novel possibility of being able to image uric acid crystals in vivo with magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), not only, as hitherto, in the synovial fluid, but now also as a diffuse, pathological deposit in tissucs. What are the real causes of the disorders of the rheumatic group? Where are the actual boundaries between the gouty, auto-immune and chronic-inflammatory joint diseases? Should indeed psychic causes be given more credence than hitherto? Could there be a unifying picture for all these illnesses? Our considerations, occasioned by novel medical investigation methods, are especially focused on the human 'I', or its physical bearer, the ego-organisation of the human being, which appears to be distinctly weakened in relation to its biographical challenges, not only in rheumatism, but also in gout, diabetes and coronary infarction. For it is also a function of the ego-organisation that processual opposites must not become chaotically entangled with each other, as in rheumatic diseases, but instead be organised to a whole such that the particular character of each player remains safeguarded. Thus the middle part, the rhythmic human being, becomes an archetype of spiritual freedom: in spite of being polar processes, autonomy of the will and self-consciousness supplement a living rhythm through sympathy with the 'other', with the polar 'opposite'.
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