Zur anthroposophischen Jugendpsychiatrie
Warum manche Jugendliche sich selbst verletzen und andere gewalttätig werden.
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Anthroposophical adolescent psychiatry: why some young people harm themselves and others become violent
Based on the background of threefolding of the human organism (Steiner 1917), of the first medical course (Steiner 1920) and of the curative education course (Steiner 1924), the self-harm and external violence that are characteristic phenomena of modern adolescent psychiatry are here explained and understood from the centre of the personality, from the 'I' of the person, living within a physical body, and not, as is otherwise generally the case, from the 'nursery' or the later 'social milieu' of the patient. From an understanding of illness that does not, in a social reforming manner, look for people to blame in the child's surroundings, but instead, by including the smallest details of the illness, observes and understands the dynamics of the primarily affected and thus secondarily reacting 'I' of the adolescent, a rationale is developed which again finds itself reflected in the natural processes of the typical, specifically appropriate medicinal plants and minerals. This approach also yields a consistent rationale for the application of exercising treatments such as curative eurythmy and artistic therapies.
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