Die Rolle der Viren in Evolution und Medizin
Versuch einer systemischen Perspektive
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Modern genome sequencings have shown that the one-sided view we have taken so far that viruses are parasitic, pathogenic toxic entities needs to be fundamentally corrected. From the perspective of systems science, the viruses as a whole (virosphere) serve as the conveying medium of a global, genetic communication between organisms. The genomes of individual living creatures are therefore not so much the result of coincidental mutations, but can be rather more understood as contextual, evolutive rearrangements arising from the dialogue within the system of the virosphere. There are increasing indications that the structural elements of viruses are possibly even of extraterrestrial origin and that the viruses may therefore have brought life to earth from the cosmos. In numerous development steps, the viruses’ high genetic plasticity, adaptivity and mutability have been internalized and preserved in the highly complex intracellular RNA elements of the genetic “text processing” of all living creatures. These elements serve as an epigenetic regulator between the environment and the organism, thereby providing the prerequisites for further development and biodiversity. There are two sides to the viruses’ nature in that they are both genetic accelerators and pathogens at the same time. Against this background, their pathogenicity is no more than an exception in the sense that they are susceptible to stress and failure as is every innovative, living process. In view of the current virological results, the Synthetic Theory is no longer adequate for a realistic understanding of evolution. The diverse and complex genetic processes of exchange in the sense of a lively interaction between the organisms can only be understood from the aspect that nature is communicative, co-evolutionary and symbiotically organized. Bringing genetic and linguistic development processes together conceptually can hereby help to bridge the chasm in understanding that has been forged by traditional Cartesian dualism.
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