Mikrobiom und erweiterter Organismusbegriff

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2017, 2017, P.35-72 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2017.35


Since the modern process of genome sequencing has made available an extensive amount of research findings, our knowledge of microbial life in the human organism and wider nature has greatly advanced. At the same time it has raised new issues and perspectives which point to a paradigm Shift, particularly in medical thinking. Here it is above all the interactions of brain and intestine microbiomes that shed an entirely new light on a series of psychiatric, neurodegenerative and other metabolic diseases. It appears that the usual methods of genetic and biochemical analysis can no longer grasp the complexity of the connections in the microbial world, and they can only be understood through a broadened systems thinking oriented to the wider surroundings. The basic question regarding the epistemic approach to the specific principles of life acquires through microbiome research a wholly new relevance, and revives the old criticism of the Cartesian dualism paradigm which hitherto the epistemological underpinnings of modern science have brought us, albeit mostly unconsciously. With the help of the spiritual scientific concept of the etheric, bridges can be built here which can not only throw light on the interdependence of intestine and brain, but also enable deeper insight into the body-soul problem. The human thought-organisation as a context-generating component of reality, and the outer biological phenomena interpenetrate and complement one another to form an extended concept of the organism.


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