Fliegende Juwelen Südamerikas

Zur Biologie und Dreigliederung der Prachtbienen
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2012, 2012, P.53-94 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2012.53


About 235 species of orchid bees (Euglossini) inhabit the rainforests of Central and South America. Of the five identified genera, three are nest building and two are brood parasites. They are distinctive amongst the bees for three unusual features: they have extremely long tongues; many species gleam with iridescent colours and the males of all species collect scented substances from their surroundings. The first part of this work presents an overview of the orchid bees. Here the focus is on the nesting, distribution, habitat, astonishingly long life-spam, phenology and coloration of the bees. In addition, the complex scent collection behaviour and scent spraying is presented in relation to its functional morphology and cthology. Pollination by scent collecting orchid bee males is discussed with reference to several examples of neotropic orchids, which, through seemingly bizarre mechanisms, have adapted to the scent gathering behaviour and, for better or worse, are dependent upon orchid bees. The second part of this work offers a brief survey of the threefolding of mammals and the approaches so far to understanding individual insect groups in a threefold way. In addition, a threefolding of the orchid bees is presented. This is developed for the non-parasitic genera, for the individual species of the same and for the parasitic genera. In a further work, this will be extended to other bee groups.


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