Blut und Nerv am tierischen und menschlichen Auge

Zum neueren Kenntnisstand eines zentralen anthropologischen Themas in der anthroposophischen Menschenkunde
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2013, 2013, P.31-84 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2013.31


The anthroposophical study of man is characterised among other things by the fact that it attempts to overcome the duality of the phenomena of body and soul, and understand the human being as a unity of body, soul and spirit. As an example, Rudolf Steiner repeatedly referred to the human and vertebrate eye in order to illustrate the relationship of the blood and the nervous system to one another, and to the soul activities of 'sympathy' and 'antipathy'. According to this, the animal eye is more stroneg perfused with blood and permeated by 'sympathy' than the human eye, through which the human being has a more picturing-understanding 'antipathy' to the surroundings than does the animal. In the investigation reported here, the results of recent research on the eye are brought together and presented. It indicates that Rudolf Steiner's view on the physiology of the eye in particular is a product of its time and is now out of date. It partly contradicts the current state of knowledge and is therefore hardly suitable for characterising the relationship between animal and man as regards such a fundamental distinction. More importantly, it emerges that recent knowledge on the eye or the visual system is more appropriate for illustrating spiritual-scientific knowledge about the 'I-organisation' of the human being, and for characterising the animal-man relationship. Thus, summarising our investigations on the animal and human eye, we can say: it is not Rudolf Steiner's spiritual-scientific indications on the human being that need revising, but the picture that he presented on the physical facts about the eye. This does not harm the essence of Rudolf Steiner's view of the human being, but instead adds substance to it and contributes to a differentiated understanding of the human being.


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