Der Kampferbaum und die Lauraceen

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2013, 2013, P.209-286 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2013.209


The first part of this paper deals with the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora [L.] J. PRESL), a member of the Lauraceae family, and a source of the therapeutically significant etheric oil, camphor. This study addresses the question as to whether a thorough treatment of the therapeutic and toxic effects of camphor, as well as of the morphological and other botanical features of the tree, can be grasped as a unified picture, or whether there manifest forces in the substance-forming which do not reveal themselves in the form of the tree.

The second part gives an overview of the Lauraceae, which hitherto have not been studied by the Goethean method. It serves as background for the presentation of the camphor tree — as a living context in which the features of this tree can only really be described with regard to its metamorphic processes. This includes descriptions of two groups of New— and Old-World Cinnamonum species. The peculiarities of the most important genera that, according to current thinking, make up the main groups of the Lauraceae, and which also represent the evolution and bio— geography of the family, are characterised. In doing so, attention is above all directed at the shapes of the inflorescences, their positions in the vegetative shoots and the shapes of the leaves (size, venation and arrangement). It is this approach that enables us to obtain pictures for the respective interplay of astral and etheric forces in the plant, thus bringing us closer to the essential being of the plant. These ' process—pictures' of the metamorphoses of etheric and astral interactions can in turn throw light on the occurrence and character of certain secondary constituents. Finally, the question is investigated as to why polar opposite secondary substances (etheric oils and alkaloids) occur together in the Lauraceae, and how this is connected with the archetype of the tree's form. For an 'external comparison', this investigation draws on distantly related families — the Loganiaceae with their very toxic alkaloids, and the La biates as the typical family for the formation of etheric oils.


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