Ossifikationsprozesse als treibende Kräfte für die Krebserkrankung

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2016, 2016, P.149-208 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2016.149


The relationships of cancer to mineralising and bone—forming processes can be demonstrated at various levels. For example, breast tumours frequently show microcalcification deposits whose morphology and chemical composition indicate the kind of illness involved. According to R. Steiner's indications regarding the activity of calcium carbonate in the organism, loss of carbonate from apatite calcification of bone metastases with a simultaneous increase in carbonate in surrounding bones points to a Shift of the soul body or astral body out of the tumour into the surroundings. The substantial consistency of tumours and metastases shows that the life-forces-organisation (etheric body) and the I-organisation move out of the area of the tumour, and as a result the physical body becomes dominant there. According to Steiner, this corresponds to the constitution of a sense organ, especially the ear. For this reason, Steiner described the tumour as a 'sense organ in the wrong place '. There is a relationship between the nervous system and the skeleton which has an effect on cancer: in the organism, the nerves and the skeleton are morphologically and substantially oriented in a similar way. For their part, tumours behave osteotropically when they metastasise into the skeleton. For this, healthy bone-forming processes are retuned. The connection of tumours with ossification also shows itself in that cancer tissue behaves 'like bone' by forming and expressing bone matrix proteins and cytokines typical of bone, and imitates functions of healthy osteogenic cells (osteoblasts). In extreme cases tumour tissues can even change into a kind of 'bone tissue'. According to R. Steiner, cancer is attributable to excessively acting spiritual events before conception and before birth. When acting to a normal extent, they enter healthy skeleton formation. An overshoot of ossifying forces beyond their healthy balanced State with simultaneously increased risk of cancer or tumour recurrence can also be observed during earthly life when the person's bone mineral density typical for their age is excessively increased by pharmaceuticals. Many morphological and physiological phenomena support the idea that ossification and cancer are connected with one another. Cancer is driven by sense-nerve-processes and ossification processes.


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