Private Subscription - Terms & Conditions
+ Scope, term and termination:
The annual subscription includes one issue of the journal "Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus" and is extended by a further year if it is not cancelled in writing at least one month before the end of the billing period. In addition to sending the printed issues, the subscription also includes online access to the subscribed issues via our website and downloading the articles and content contained therein. All subscription services are intended solely for the personal use of the subscriber.
+ Free downloads of articles from years not purchased:
In addition, your subscription also enables you to download the full text of twenty articles a year from non-subscribed years without needing to pay the associated download costs.
+ Annual subscription fee:
The private subscription costs EUR 24,50 per year. For shipping, the shipping regulation at applies.
+ General Terms and Conditions:
In addition to the above conditions of the private subscription, the General Terms and Conditions, der "Freien Waldorfschulen” shall also become part of the contract upon conclusion of the contract.