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Zum Herzheilmittel Cardiodoron: Metamorphoseprinzipien im Pflanzenreich und die Primelgewächse

Die Bildekräfte der menschlichen Embryonalentwicklung

Zu den europäischen Arten der Ranunculaceen-Gattung Clematis L., Waldrebe
The European species of the Ranunculaceae genus Clematis L.
This text is based on the chapter entitled 'Clematis' from an unfinished book manuscript by Thomas Göbel. It was edited by… Read More

On meditation
Building up the content of a meditation begins with a contemplative work on the ideas contained in a short sentence or verse, for example one of the verses of Rudolf Steiner’… Read More
Über das Verhalten des Blattgrundes an blütennahen Laubblättern der Gattungen Ranzmculus und Adonis Ranunculus bulbosus, Knolliger Hahnenfuß
On the behaviour of the leaf base of leaves in the vicinity to the blossoms of the genera Ranzmculus and Adonis
In the family Ranunculaceae we sometimes find transitional forms between the… Read More

Laut - Sprache - Rhythmus und Reim
Sound - language - rhythm and rhyme
The basis of all language is sound comprising vowels and consonants. Vowels are expressions of the human mind: A - amazement at the wonders of the world… Read More
Der Flüssigkeitsorganismus des Menschen, seine Organe und Organfunktionen als Grundlage des Fühlens
The fluid organization of man, his organs and organ functions as a basis of feeling
The rhythmical organization of the human being comprises a co-operation of the fluid organism with… Read More

Die Eurythmie will durch Bewegung das Geistige in das Materielle überführen
Eurythmy aims to lead spirit into matter through movement
Eurythmy aims to manifest the threefold process of human speech in the world of matter. The dynamics (willing) of speech becomes… Read More