Substanz-Veränderung durch Strömungsprozesse

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2007, 2007, P.181-240 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2007.181


Substance changes by flow processes

The authors discuss this subject that was introduced by R. Steiner in 1920 for processing a pharmaceutical preparation from Viscum album.

In Part 1, the origin of the need for flow processing of mistletoe preparations is reported insofar as it can be traced back to lectures and recorded statements by Steiner. Further development of this began with the approach of A. Leroi, discussed briefly here, which was focused on the task that Steiner left to others of ‘removing’ the Viscum substance from the ‘earth’s gravity’. The first application of a ‘rippling film flow on a rotating disk’ by G. Brunck is elucidated by two polar flow types in the course of a river. With this as a basis, the enquiry is directed on the one hand to destructive, outwards-oriented flow processes which are connected mainly with thin layers and a large water surface, and on the other hand to constructive flows which mainly stress the inner environment of the liquid. Work on substance changes by these flow processes has been carried out since 1968 in the Carl Gustav Carus-Institute. With reference to the related question of the physiology of the human organism, we describe typical phenomena which are determined by surface processes and formation of internal boundary surfaces of organs.

Part 2 is connected with R. Steiner’s description in his lecture cycle ‘Spiritual Science and Medicine’ (1920) of two different directions of action. With the first a direct effect on the tumour is intended in order ‘to avoid the surgeon’s knife’. With the second the organism’s own activity needs to be reawakened.
This clearly happens, for example in the case of the appearance of fever at the beginning of mistletoe therapy. Therapeutic experience with cancer patients confirms the effects Steiner indicated. This is the basis on which a three-stage flow process can be developed and presented. In this process substance variations of aqueous plant extracts on outer and inner boundary surfaces within flows are consistently observed and these are described together with their functions. The formation by this method of a structure that therapeutically comes to meet the physiology of the organism in the sense of ‘homeopathic potentising’ is described for the first time. The model for every potentising process is seen in the function of the human organism‚ because here substances are stepwise and qualitatively transformed from a ponderable, exterior-related state to a state that is open to the ‘I’ in its physical activity.

Part 3 reports pathological and therapeutic aspects of cancer patients and the criteria for a healing process. It should be noted that in different stages of cancer a varying balance is established between a tumour-specific immuno-competence of the organism and escape mechanisms coming from the tumour as ‘immunosubversion’ of the organism. The innovative possibilities of flow processing and the necessity of developing it in cooperation with the clinic are made clear.

Part 4 reports on the experimental examination of different substance and structure changes by flow processing and on establishing the necessary requirements for technical development of a ‘pharmaceutical method by flow processing’ in six divisions. It has recently been demonstrated by the addition of fluorescent dyes to lipid monolayers that such monolayers can be induced to synthesise liposome membranes by the process of ‘drop impact on a stationary liquid’. In principle this can also be achieved by flow processing of large volumes of many droplets. The essentially new finding here is that this method can produce membrane asymmetry which was rarely achieved by other methods of producing liposome suspensions. It is likely to be of great significance for the substance configuration of the Viscum remedy and its immunological effects.


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