Der morgentypische und der abendtypische Mensch im Nacht-Tag-Rhythmus

Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2007, 2007, P.241-294 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2007.241


Morningnes and eveningnes in the night-day-rhythms

The following can be concluded from a study initiated by Gunther Hildebrandt, from further observations and from the literature:

Human subjects are generally inclz'ned towards being at their greatest productim'ty in the morning and in the afternoon towards their best 1nood. This inclination thus corresponds with the awal<e psyche. Inter-individually, it is divided into a phase of five to six hours in the morning with its frequency maximum at about 10.00 h local time and in the afternoon into approximately 3-hours frequency phases with maxima at local times of about 14.00, 17.00 and 20.00 (23.00) h. The phases are synchronized to the solar day by the approximately twelve-hour bathyphase with maximal hunger.

A second rhythmic order is synchronized to approximately 3.00 h, with the attributes of maximal resting, for example regarding the heat production and metabolism, and with the maximal rhythmic order and general co-ordination. This should be considered in the sense of the generation of a general humantypical body and its organisation.

In the polar counterphase, the 3.00 h rhythm approaches the course of the phases of the psychic 12.00 h rhythm during daytime. In the opposite direction, the 12.00 h rhythm in its counterphase in the night during deep sleepiness relies on the 3.00 h rhythm.

The morning and evening types are distinguished from each other firstly by the frequency occupancy of the 12.00 h rhythm maxima set by local time and secondly by the phase Shift of the reversal hours of the 12.00 h and 3.00 h rhythms. The variation seems to be relatively large during waking and going to bed, with a mean of 1 4% hours but somewhat smaller at the synchronization times of approximately 12.00 11 or 3.00 h.

The evening type tends to withdraw from the environmental rhythms of the world. This corresponds with the rapid and extensive capacity to change his synchronization, for example in night Shift work, and with his efforts to develop the essential that can be learnt from the events experienced during the day. The morning type tends towards being active in the world. This strengthens their connection with the rhythms of the world.


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