Die Blutwurz, Potentilla erecta (L.) Räuschel.

Über die Fähigkeit, Polaritäten miteinander zu verbinden
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2015, 2015, P.103-150 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2015.103


Tormentil, Potentilla erecta (L.) Räuschel. Its capacity for connecting its polarities with one another

Tormentil, Potentilla erecta, belongs to the Rosaceae, but in all its organs it is morphologically different from its relatives. The 'cosmic soul' element of the plant deeply affects tormentil early in its development, thereby modifying its vegetative processes - this is called 'pervasion' principle. After digging up a tormentil one at first notices the discrepancy between the thick, tuberous, hard rhizome and the thin, limp, fork-branched flowering shoots. The upright shoot divided into nodes and internodcs of a typical herbaceous plant is transformed in tormentil in two directions: on the one hand, it is conccntrated as a rhizome and stored horizontally in the ground, and on the other hand it appears above ground in many flowering shoots, which can straighten up only at their flowering tips. Tormentil strives for a polarisation above and below ground. The leaflets on the shoots are five in number because the two stipules and the three pinnate leaves together form radiating 'rings’ around the nodes, whereas the yellow flowers are generally four-petalled. In the region of light above ground the 'pervasion' principle leads to an emphasising of the form aspect. There, during the fruit ripening, a clearly dichasial branching pattern arises in which the initial asymrnetry of the two lateral branches next to a flower is equalized into almost equal-lengthed branches. In contrast, below ground in the dammed-up rhizome the substance aspect predominates. There, the 'soul influence' expresses itself in the accumulation of various tannins (up to 25 %) which colour the so-called 'woody body' of the rhizome from pink to blood red. But despite its surprising hardness, the rhizome contains only a few genuinely lignified and thus dead cells. The transition from below to above ground is mediated by the trefoil leaves which grow only in spring or autumn as the upper leaf part of the underground scale leaves. Besides the polarisation in the form and substance pole, tormentil is an example of the connection between centripetal and centrifugal processes. This indicates its use as a herbal remedy for inflamrnations and bleeding of the skin and mucous membrane.


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