Zur Metamorphose der Geweihgestalten
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The metamorphosis of antler forms
Among the many forms of antlers there is a formative law that is common to them all, an 'archetype' in the Goethean sense. Firstly, this 'archetypal antler' is grasped as a common Bauplan, as a scheme of different parts and their spatial relations to one and other. Elements of this Bauplan, which by particular deer normally remain latent, also manifest under certain conditions, particularly with luxuriant antlers. Secondly, a compensatory relationship between the more or less developed parts is discussed. They appear as the basis of the aesthetic impression of balance, of the harmony of form. With the question of the conerete metamorphosis gestures, through which the transfers in favour of one particular part of an antler naturally appear at the expense of another, we arrive at the higher formative principles. This can be seen for the appearance of not only the various parts, but also the antlers as a whole. The forms of the parts and the whole reciprocally illurninate one another. Unifications of initially diverging formations repeatedly occur, focusing on a few growth centres. This growth accelerates and reaches final or temporary Stagnation, probably through excessivc demand on its supply. Fragments of initially integrated antler elements that remain behind become stronger and can continue the growth. A rhythm between concentration and fragmentation, tip growth and more basal renewal, arises on both the small scale and the large scale. With this we can observe an interesting interplay of epigenesis and evolution (in the sense of 'development', mere organising of parts with already inbuilt tendencies). Each individual set of anders, although it initially appears to be formed one-sidedly and requires completion through its polar forms, finally also manifests as a revelation of the 'archetypal ander" that is inherently fully harmonious.
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