The human I-organisation and the silicic process
Physiological, pathological and therapeutic aspects
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While the image of the hard transparent hexagonal prisms of rock crystal (quartz) suffices to illustrate the general role of silicic acid in the human organism, other aspects can contribute to a differentiated understanding of the distribution and dynamics of silicic acid in relation to the human I-organisation, self-consciousness and warmth. Along a topographic polarity, which gives a general orientation to the organisation of the human form, silicic acid condenses in two directions, the peripheral boundary of the body and in particular the sense organs, on the one hand, and the internal boundary constituted by the skeleton and the silicon-rich connective tissues, on the other hand. The twelve human senses find their basic orientation within this general framework, which is reflected in the imagination represented by the statue of the Artemis of Ephesus. Along a dynamic polarity, a centrifugal gradient of silicic formation from the metabolism towards the periphery serves as a substrate to the centripetal silicic deconstruction, or homeopathic potentisation, a process which serves the nerve-sense process and its structuring and differentiating dynamics. A certain correspondence with this polarity can be found in the siliceous crust of the earth and, to some extent, in the vegetal world. However, the deconstructive homeopathic potentisation of silicic acid, coupled with its excretion, is unique to the human organism. Deconstruction of silicic acid and excretion of free silicic acid constitute the physiological basis of sensitivity in the human organism. The articulation of the three processes, silicic formation, silicic deconstruction and silicic excretion, is a clue to understanding Steiner's statement that »silicic acid has the same activity as the human kidney«. Imbalances between silicic formation and silicic deconstruction lead to the two polar pathological situations described in the 14th chapter of STEINER’S & WEGMAN’S book, »Fundamentals of Therapy« (1925a). Combining the different aspects, an understanding of the relationship between silicic acid and warmth becomes possible. The processes stimulated by honey in the human body represent a metamorphosis by eversion of the cosmic quartz silicic process turned towards the metabolic-locomotor system. Ancients were aware of this connection between the honey silicic process and the forces of moral structure as well as the wisdom that can be imprinted in the earthly body at the metabolic-motor pole. Silicic acid then appears as the cosmic process, which provides the human being in his earth-bound condition the framework to relate to his cosmic spiritual origin while engaging in his earthly tasks.
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