Die Melodiewahrnehmung der Singvögel

Ein Beitrag zu den intelligenten Leistungen in der Singvogelwelt
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2010, 2010, P.115-158 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2010.115


It has long been regarded as unscientific to consider the musical aspects of territorial behaviour among songbirds. The musical abilities of song birds, for example their perception of melody and their capacity to transpose, have been questioned many times. Furthermore, avian intelligence — With the exception of ravens and parrots — was regarded as little developed. These widely held views were not unconnected with the almost dogmatic statements of the 20th century that the brain of the bird is a primitive precursor of the brain of the mammal, and in the adult brain the neural pathways are somewhat fixed, i.e. no longer able to regenerate. However, the demonstration of neurogenesis in songbirds, and the almost simultaneous discoveries regarding the separate development of the brain of the bird, overcame the hindrances of these earlier views. This opened up completely new fields of research on intelligence and musicality of songbirds. Indeed, the intelligent capabilities of birds are astonishing, and the neuronal song-system of songbirds appear to be extraordinarily flexible. In comparison with mammals, the particular evolutionary route taken by songbirds is expressed above all in the differently formed vocal organ (syrinx) ; in the ernancipation from fixed song patterns and in the special development of the brain. The musical capacities of songbirds can be justified in biological terms with respect to their territorial behaviour, for example in the defence of acoustic territory, and therefore we can say that evolution is musically determined.


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