Von der Symbiose zum sogenannten Brutparasitismus

Teil II: Die Beziehungen der Webervögel und Prachtfinken zu den brutparasitierenden Witwenvögeln
Jahrbuch für Goetheanismus 2014, 2014, P.71-184 | DOI: 10.18756/jfg.2014.71


The three bird families, weavers, viduids (whydahs/indigobirds) and estrildids (waxbills), which today are classified separately, during the last century were regarded, often taxonomically variably, as one big family with corresponding sub-families. They probably once belonged to one family. In the weaver-bird group there is a genus whose males of some species have extremely long tail feathers. Following Goethe's compensation principle, these birds are remarkable for two behavioural variants that reciprocally determine one another. The three longest-tailed species of the widowbirds (Euplectes weavers) show a marked courtship display‚ partly with a courtship arena, whereas the extremely marked nest building drive of the males is largely or completely elirninated. The morphological changes in the tail feathers, the impressive courtship, the double moult, i.e. of the breeding plumage and the tail feathers, the polygamous lifestyle, the weaver-like part of the song as well as the crop-feeding indicate the Euplectes to be ancestors of the Viduidae. Crop-feeding was probably not a process of adaptation to the host birds, but the Viduidae, on account of this special feeding technique, were dependent upon the waxbills. The connection between the viduids and their near relatives the weavers is based primarin on phylogenetic characteristics, whereas correspondence in morphological and ethological characteristics between the viduids and waxbills tends to the conclusion that adaptations to the brood parasitism of the viduids is involved, for example the throat markings and the begging calls of the nestlings, as well as the feather marking of fledglings. In the original weaver genera, to which Euplectes also belongs, co-operative brood care has been demonstrated, Which is also exists enhanced in waxbills. Weaver-bird males for the most part have an excessively strong nest-building drive to the extant that they build surplus nests that are used by waxbills. Moreover these frequently live in lifelong partnersal and have a marked nesting instinct. They introduce into the viduids a large social potential, and take on the brood care of progeny. In this large bird group it is evident, as with cuckoos, that symbiotic behaviour precedes parasitism. But the brood parasitism of the viduids shows a completely different aspect. For example, the egg-laying of the viduid female takes place peacefully or even in the presence of the host bird. That is causally connected with the fact that viduids and estrildids are both songbirds. And thus in the vicinity of the host bird's nest the viduid male can, through song rnirnicry, produce a familiar sound mood, which means that the viduids are not regarded as enernies. However, these exact imitations were not developed in order to deceive, because the viduids males learn as nestlings the entire vocal repertoire of their host bird in the completely normal way that happens with almost all songbird young. In a unique way, between the viduids and the estrildids the playful musical element can exert its uniting, positive influence. To me, this appears to be a significant reason why here, in contrast to our native cuckoo, we are dealing with the most benign brood parasitism in the bird world, one that we could actually call brood association.


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