Der Wert des typologischen Denkens in der Pflanzensoziologie – seine Bedeutung für Landschaftsentwicklung und Landwirtschaft
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Starting from the botanical concept of plant type, the question is raised whether the concept of type can also be applied to plant communities. This is possible with the help of plant sociology, which has developed a comprehensive methodology for this purpose. The individual steps of this procedure are described and brought into relation to typological thinking, whereby many cross connections to Goethe’s method of research become apparent. These procedural steps are:
– Selection of vegetation sections as the basic phenomena to be worked on
– Vegetation inventory: floristic analysis of each of these vegetation sections
– Tabular work: comparison of the combinations of species in the vegetation inventories, identifying similarities and differences
– Grouping the vegetation inventories with similar combinations of species into »vegetation types«
Special attention is paid to the so-called »tabular work«. With this instrument, the phenomena (the individual vegetation inventories) are arranged in such a way that the principles (the vegetation types) appear as if by themselves. The vegetation types thus obtained can then be structured hierarchically – analogous to botanical systematics – on the basis of similar combinations of species. Just as a vegetation type (= plant community) has a typical combination of species, it also has typical site conditions: a typical soil, a typical water balance, a typical microclimate, etc. Thus it becomes possible to read landscapes, in that the plant communities picture all these site forces. However, one difficulty extends throughout the whole methodology: namely that vegetation types are very pliant, i.e. they converge spatially and temporally. In this way what appears to be a problem in clearly identifying vegetation types turns out, on the other hand, to be an advantage when it comes to applying phytosociology in the context of landscape development concepts. For in the plasticity of vegetation types also lies an evolutionary potential. The presentation therefore concludes with reflections on how the typological approach of phytosociology can and must be used for a forward-looking agriculture that is concerned with health, vitality and diversity, which in turn are based on healthy, lively and diverse vegetation.
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