Ossifikationsprozesse als treibende Kräfte für die Krebserkrankung
The relationships of cancer to mineralising and bone—forming processes can be demonstrated at various levels. For example, breast tumours frequently show microcalcification deposits whose morphology and chemical composition indicate the kind of illness involved. According to R. Steiner's indications regarding the activity of calcium carbonate… read more

Knochenbildung in Wechselwirkung mit der Atmung bei Süßwasser-Schildkröten
Through the. specific anatomy of their lungs enclosed in the shell, the rhythtmic system of turtles is less autonomous than in other reptiles, higher animals or the human being. This correlates with an openness to the influences of annual rhythms in the environment. Such openness is at its most extreme in the North American Freshwater turtles,… read more

Lebendige Mineralwelt im Knochen
The mineral realm in living bone
The mineralisation of the skeleton is based on the dissolved calcium, phosphate and carbonate of body fluids and even on the water and carbon dioxide of the earth‘s hydrosphere and atmosphere. But it is also related to the mineral realm‘s crystalline calcium phosphate and carbonate, especially to apatite… read more

Benjamin Libet und die Willensfreiheit
Benjamin Libet and free will - How platonic is our modern picture of the human being?
In 1982 and 1983, Libet et al. published experiments on a group of healthy subjects who were required, without external cause, to make simple hand movements while simultaneous measurements were made of electrophysical activity of the brain with the… read more

Der Flüssigkeitsorganismus des Menschen, seine Organe und Organfunktionen als Grundlage des Fühlens
The fluid organization of man, his organs and organ functions as a basis of feeling
The rhythmical organization of the human being comprises a co-operation of the fluid organism with breathing. The fluid organism is developed by a central arterial pressure system and a venous flow system open to the periphery. This represents the basis… read more