Woher kommt das Salz des Meeres und wohin geht es?
The dissolved salts in the sea come from freshwater tributaries, which contain a small amount of salt that remains in the sea as the corresponding water evaporates. This means that the salt in the sea should actually continue to accumulate, as happens in lakes with no outflow in arid regions. However, this does not occur in the oceans. The salt… read more

Aspekte einer natürlichen Ordnung von Pflanzensubstanzen nach ihren Bildeprozessen
Aspects of a natural classification of plant substances according to their formative processes
The question of the classification of plant primary and secondary substances is repeatedly raised and sometimes controversial. In the work presented here this question is investigated in relation to two ways. On the one hand the physical… read more

Zur Begriffsbildung für die funktionellen Gruppen organischer Stoffe aus biologischen Prozessen
Concerning a conception of functional groups based on biological processes
The functional groups of classical organic chemistry prove highly suited for classification purposes when their various process potentials are taken from the living world. Such a classification harbours information which accords better with the facts; we need… read more

Von der Umwandlungskraft der Luft
Transformation forces of the air
a contribution to the chemistry main lesson of the 9th class of Waldorf schools
We present a guide for the chemistry main lesson of the 9th class of Waldorf schools, especially taking into account the characteristics of animal and human catabolism (linking up With the overview of plant anabnlism… read more

Alkoholische und rhythmisierte wässrige Pflanzenauszüge

Die Prozessualität der mineralischen Chemie, deren Ordnungsprinzipien und physiologische Bedeutung

Von der Wandlungskraft des Feuers — Zum Chemieunterricht